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I am Amanda, and I created the Mortgage Mindset blog to open up the world of mortgages and help you get over the initial confusion and anxiety when looking to buy your first home. I have never understood why you are not taught this sort of thing at school. Owning and renting a house are experiences we will all face at some point in our lives yet we often go into it not knowing where to start. The internet and social media are great places for information but can be a minefield of opinions and options and unfortunately it is not always right.

I started out as a mortgage broker in 2007 after a career as an estate agent so I have been through the house purchasing process a few times. During this time, I have found myself spending more time guiding my clients to become what I call “financially savvy”, so they have the correct tools and information to go and get their first home. That’s what Mortgage Mindset is about, giving you the tools and information from my years of experience in the housing market to guide you to your dream of owning a home.